Our newsletter is no longer being published.
You can sign up for notice of trainings by the two certified teachers here in Maine by following this link: Clarity Services Mailing List Sign Up
May 2020: Phases of the Moon Newsletter Volume 11, Issue 2: NVC in the Time of Corona
August 2019: Special statement regarding sexual relations between trainers and students/clients – Read it HERE.
December, 2018: Maine NVC Network update by Peggy Smith
Since Leah Boyd and I created Clarity Services in order to extend the benefits of NVC to wider and wider circles of people, life has been busy. We worked with a business consultant to develop and fine tune our message.
We entered a working relationship with certified NVC trainer Gregg Kendrick, who lives in Virginia and specializes in bringing NVC to workplaces. We have a regular phone meeting where we support each other as we unfold the work. Gregg has developed a whole series of live online classes that are dynamic and interactive. He is focusing his work on people with structural power within an organization/business through what he terms Conscious Leadership.
The Maine NVC Network Integration Program continues to thrive; this year we have 26 participants and two assistants. Rebecca Stevenson has supported the program for three years now, and Penthea Burns for two.
I want to celebrate the Integration offering which began ten years ago as a collaboration between Gina Cenciose & myself. There are few long term NVC study programs in North America. I think ours is a gem. This year’s group includes participants living in four different states.
Leah & I have been dreaming for several years about supporting new people in developing capacities for sharing NVC with others. And this month, December 2018, we will begin that program, which we call Training Future Trainers (TFT). This opportunity is available to people who have completed the Integration Program or something equivalent and want to focus on actually sharing NVC with others.
Leah continues to expand her offerings of NVC-based mediation and group facilitation. The word of her skill is spreading. We have a growing number of businesses seeking training, coaching and facilitating.
In August, we offered our first full NVC level 1 training for the professional staff of a school district along with interested community members. We incorporated much of the trauma recovery work we have been learning from Sarah Peyton.
And Sarah Peyton will return to Maine by popular request this March to do a three-day trauma workshop and one-day Family Constellations event.
There is a group of trainers in Australia using the Courageous Communication curriculum and getting support from me.
I truly believe NVC is growing steadily in Maine. This autumn I was feeling more than a bit overwhelmed with all the directions and possibilities. Leah, Betsy (our web-person extrodinaire) and I talked about shutting down the Maine NVC Network website & newsletter. Instead we have decided to keep the website up and shift the newsletter to a looser schedule – more or less once a season.
We look forward to a continuing expansion of the manifestation of NVC consciousness in Maine.
July 2017: Graduates of the Maine NVC Integration Program have launched a Scholarship Fund for the Integration Program. By supporting this scholarship fund, you will be helping bring together a more diverse group of people to experience this life-changing program, thus helping foster greater compassion and harmony individually and collectively. Please join us in supporting this fund in order to include individuals who otherwise would not be able to attend. Our goal is to raise $21,000. Contribute HERE.
October 2016: Leah Boyd has become the second NVC trainer in Maine to be certified by the International Center for Nonviolent Communication. Congratulations, Leah!
August 2016: Announcing the Publication of
Only Human, A Journey From Convict to Mentor
by Alton Lane, with Meghan Vigeant
Alton Lane met Peggy Smith when he was an inmate at the Maine Coastal Regional Reentry Center (MCRRC) in Belfast. He became so engrossed in the study and practice of Courageous Communication that he transformed his life, and is now her assistant teacher at the Reentry Center. This book tells his story.
Buy the book HERE
We now have a Facebook page: Nonviolent Communication, Mindfullness, Empathy and Presence
For more news, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Oct. 2009 Peggy Smith is the first NVC Trainer in Maine to be certified by CNVC:
Read article about this published in Oct. 3, 2009, edition of Village Soup