Phases of the Moon, the newsletter of the Maine NVC Network
Volume Two, Issue Three: Honesty
Our newsletter appears once a month around the time of the new moon. Our purpose is to contribute to the NVC learning of people who have taken at least an NVC Level 1 workshop, and help us stay connected as we endeavor to deepen a culture of peace within ourselves, our families and the world. We believe a Level 1 offers so many new ways of thinking that additional support for learning and integration could be helpful.
We endeavor to make each edition informative, connecting, inspiring and fun. Please let us know how the newsletter might contribute to your NVC well-being.
The theme for this issue is Honesty. The feature explores how NVC can help us move away from expressing thoughts that often lead to disconnection to expressing our inner vulnerable state, that often leads to connection.
- Feature: Honesty, by Peggy Smith, CNVC certified NVC trainer
- Suggestions for Practice
- Upcoming Trainings
- Next meeting of the Maine NVC Network
- Practice Group Announcements
- Crossword
- Celebrations
- Poetry Corner
by Peggy Smith, CNVC certified NVC trainer
Honesty is good, right? I want others to be honest with me and I want to express honestly with others. I think.
As we learn NVC, we find "honesty" on the list of universal human needs. But we may have experiences from our past when being honest brought pain and disconnection. It can be confusing, how can "honesty" be a need and yet troublesome.
There is a key distinction in NVC between honesty that expresses our thoughts and judgments (judgmental/jackal honesty) and honesty that expresses our inner vulnerability (NVC/giraffe honesty).
In our day-to-day lives, when we refer to honesty we are usually talking about our judgments. Our honesty is usually about trying to change someone or a situation, thinking things are right or wrong, and wanting to mold things to our liking. This may sound like:
"What a kind person you are."
"Good girl/boy." (expressing a praising judgment so the person will keep behaving in a way we want)
"Once again you didn’t do the dishes like you said you would, it goes to show you don’t respect or care about me." (critical expression of opinions)
This type of expression rarely leads to connection.
As we learn to express ourselves through Nonviolent Communication, we learn to share what is authentically going on within us – that is a form of honest expression that can lead to connection.
The first step is to slow down and discover what emotional reactions we are having in the moment; we are honest with ourselves about our momentary inner state. I like to call this the inner weather report. By referring to the emotional state within me as a "weather front" it reminds me that my inner states are constantly changing just as the weather outside is constantly changing. As we say here in Maine, "If you don’t like the weather, just wait a few minutes."
If you are like me, you learned long ago that some feelings were not OK. Taking on the practice of NVC is an inner invitation to reconnect with long suppressed emotions. Having compassion with yourself, inviting yourself to open up awareness of your inner weather front, can take time. Practice inner gratitude for emotions that come up, even ones that in the past you didn’t want to feel.
Why is it helpful to be aware of our emotions? Because through NVC we learn how to ride the wave of an emotion to the universal need that is the cause of the emotion. (more on this in the Golden Road of feelings)
Connecting honestly is when I express my vulnerability. The classical NVC form can help me do that. It may sound something like this: "When you hold the door open for me,(observation) I feel delighted and touched (feelings) arising from the need of ease and gratitude (needs). I wonder how you feel hearing me say that?" (connecting request) or "When you brush your teeth when I ask you to, (observation) I feel glad (feelings) because I value harmony and good health (needs). Will you tell me what you just heard me say?" (connecting request) or "When I am ready to start cooking supper and I find dishes and pots in the sink (observation) I feel frustrated, concerned and curious (feelings) arising from the needs of ease, co-operation and harmony (needs). Would you be willing to tell me what you are hearing me say? (connecting request) In each of these examples the focus is on honestly expressing my weather front and the need(s) that is stirring that weather. At first, this type of honesty can sound weird and even feel scary because we have so little experience expressing in this way The magic of NVC is that as we become more honest with ourselves, we are able to have more choice about what and how we express. In this way we honor and nourish the beautiful need of "honesty" that flows within each of us. This kind of honesty brings deeper and deeper connection within myself and with others. Peggy Smith is co-founder of the Maine NVC Network and founder/principal trainer with Open Communication
Suggestions for Practice:
Crossword PuzzleThis is a fully interactive online puzzle; we will have a new one each month which relates to the issue's theme.
~ Poetry Corner ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Do you see how the days of my life fly by
- Sherry, Oklahoma City This poem was presented as a celebration by a participant in the 2010 Creating Workplaces Where People Thrive workshop taught by Gregg Kendrick. FMI
Upcoming TrainingsTrainings listed here are in the Maine region. If you wish to list an event, please follow our guidelines for submission. Please note that both certified and non-certified trainers, (who are willing to follow certain requirements of the Center for Nonviolent Communication, may be leading the posted trainings. Listing here does not imply endorsement by the Maine NVC Network of the trainer or the event. March 12-13, Norway, ME
Taught by Peggy Smith, |
April 9–10, Meadow Wind Center, Falmouth, ME
Staying In The NVC Dance: deepening our connection to nonviolent consciousness
Level 2 workshop
This experiential workshop will guide us toward
- strengthening our skills in empathy
- translating judgmental thinking
- connecting to and celebrating our needs
- developing our skills at making requests
- developing "power with" relationships
- hearing the hidden "Yes" underneath every "No"
- practicing the NVC flow of dialogue
- having fun and connection while practicing new tools
Taught by Peggy Smith /
details and registration