Phases of the Moon, the newsletter of the Maine NVC Network
Volume Five, Issue Nine: Stay Connected

Our newsletter appears once a month around the time of the full moon. Our purpose is to contribute to the NVC learning of people who have taken at least an NVC Level 1 workshop, and help us stay connected as we endeavor to deepen a culture of peace within ourselves, our families and the world. We believe a Level 1 offers so many new ways of thinking that additional support for learning and integration could be helpful.

We endeavor to make each edition informative, connecting, inspiring and fun. Please let us know how the newsletter might contribute to your NVC well-being. In this month's feature article, Peggy Smith explores the many ways NVC is making a positive difference in people’s lives and encourages us to stay connected to our intention and personal practice.


Keep On Keep’n On

by Peggy Smith, CNVC certified NVC trainer

I’ve been struggling to write this next piece for the newsletter. It’s been weeks now that I have quietly demanded that "today-would-be-the-day" that I got it done. Yet each night I went to bed with it unwritten and bigger ‘should’ energy building inside.

It’s been a busy summer and early autumn. Most of August I was facilitating dialogue with international educators at Seeds of Peace International Camp. Since my return there has been almost daily care of my elderly mother, harvesting of the garden, some amounts of self-care, stacking wood in preparation for winter, and getting the autumn NVC events moving. These take time, and I noticed that I was also using all this busy-ness to avoid writing for the newsletter.

Slowly some curiosity was also growing: what needs were stirring in me that were blocking my writing? I got in touch with the desire to be effective and to contribute something that would actually be beneficial. I found myself asking, "What more can I say? I’ve already written what I know about NVC." I found my aching for community and companionship seemed to censor the flow of writing. An old fear grew strong, that the quality of the writing would be insufficient to communicate what I longed to say.

So what DO I want to share with you? I want to let you see into the lives of the people I am privileged to know through my NVC work. I want you to be as inspired as I am to keep practicing, to keep integrating the vision that Marshall Rosenberg held out to us. He envisioned a world in which people experienced Power With; where people were in touch with their own needs and held them with equal importance to the needs within others. He envisioned a world where we all understood that we mattered – where every moment mattered.

October 6, 2014, was Marshall’s 80th birthday. What an effect he has had on my life and the lives of an ever-growing number of people. In the past two months I have had the honor to share NVC in many venues: at Seeds of Peace International Camp, at the Midcoast Regional Re-entry Center, at a peer support center in Augusta, at the Common Ground Fair, in a new session of the Maine NVC Integration Program, in an Advanced Practice Group, and in individual coaching sessions. What keeps me going – what I think kept Marshall going – is the realizations expressed by participants, no matter what the venue.

"I see now that when I’m angry, the other person is having feelings and needs too. I can see a wider perspective."

"I know that I suffer. Now I can see you suffer more."

"I always thought my emotions were a big sign over my head reading, ‘mentally ill.' Now I understand my emotions are just emotions, and that there are beautiful needs underneath. Its OK to have emotions; everyone does."

"Those cards are like magic. I can help my friends who haven’t taken this course when they are overwhelmed. We go through the cards and they feel better."

"I never knew I could speak to someone for the ‘other side’ without screaming at them. You helped us talk and listen to each other. Amazing."

"I started drinking when I was nine so I wouldn’t feel my feelings. My life was hard - I always felt terrible. I see that I drank to not feel. Now I know feelings help me find needs, and that feels good. I don’t have to drink. When I drink I get violent – that’s not good for anyone."

These are just a few of the ways people have let me know what an impact NVC is having in their lives. Hearing these nourishes me deeply – like a wonderful banquet of wholesome, organic food. They provide me with a strength and determination to keep practicing myself, even though often in my day-to-day life I don’t practice fully before speaking. (So many opportunities to practice beneficial regret.)

The world is hungry for sustainable relationships based on authentic harmony. Maine is a special place and I envision its potential as a model of needs-based community. This moment matters! I invite you to renew and deepen your connection to the life-serving essence of NVC. Let’s help each other by holding our NVC intentions dearly and practicing whole-heartedly. Our efforts matter.

Peggy Smith is a certified NVC trainer living in Lincolnville, ME. A co-founder of the Maine NVC Network and principle trainer with Open Communication, Peggy loves living, teaching and coaching NVC.

Upcoming Trainings

Trainings listed here are in the Maine region. If you wish to list an event, please follow our guidelines for submission. Please note that both certified and non-certified trainers, (who are willing to follow certain requirements of the Center for Nonviolent Communication), may be leading the posted trainings. Listing here does not imply endorsement by the Maine NVC Network of the trainer or the event.

October 18-19, Bangor, ME
Building Sustainable & Vibrant Relationships

This is a fundraiser for Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine
Taught by Peggy Smith / pdf icon details and registration


Sunday Oct. 19, 2-4 pm, Topsham, ME
Two hour empathy circle facilitated by Pat Cannon and Leah Boyd

FMI: call Pat: 207-798-5618


November 7-9, South Portland, ME
From Conflict to Connection: the basics of NVC

Taught by Peggy Smith / pdf icon details and registration


November 15-16, Lewiston, ME
Clear & Compassionate Communication for Professionals

Taught by Leah Boyd / pdf icon details and registration


3rd Saturday of each month beginning in January, 2015, Belfast, ME
NVC Advanced Practice Group taught by Peggy Smith

For graduates of the Maine NVC Integration Program or other comprehensive NVC experiences
FMI: email / 207-789-5299



Special Anncouncement

Marshall Rosenberg, founder of the Nonviolent Communication process, was bestowed the "Champion of Forgiveness" award from the Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance on August 3, 2014. Since he was unable to attend, CNVC certified trainer Christine King accepted for him.

Laurie Grace from the Sunrise Center in Corte Madera (who is a long-time supporter of the Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance and teaches NVC) presented the award. She appears briefly at the end of this 9 minute video.

The Alliance began the presentation with the an 11 minute video of Marshall, which is referred to in the acceptance speech. You can watch it here.

an empty park bench surrounded by a carpet of multi-colored fallen maple leaves


Invitation to
Monthly Empathy Circle

Meets first Friday of each month
at Open Communication office
243 High Street, Belfast, ME
You are welcome to come when you can. If this is your first time coming, please contact Linda beforehand:
Phone 322-2122 / email

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Do you want to receive emails about upcoming NVC trainings and other NVC events in and near Maine?

Join the Maine NVC Network
Yahoo Group

The group is moderated and is only used for announcements of regional workshops and other Maine NVC Network events. Inclusion in list serve announcements does not imply endorsement by the Network.

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Poetry Corner:
From Now On
by Marshall Rosenberg

From now on,
I choose to dream my own dreams
So that I can fully taste the mystical excitement of being human.

From now on,
I choose to emphatically connect with others
So that I can fully respect the unique and holy experience to be found in each person every moment.

From now on,
I choose to have my actions flow from connection with nature and to direct my attention where it supports this flow.

From now on,
I choose to be aware of the unchosen, dehumanizing thoughts my culture planted within me, and to prevent them from leading me into robot-like, violent actions.

From now on,
I choose to openly reveal what is alive within me,
even though others may not appreciate the gift.

From now on,
when wearing a title of authority, I choose to be aware that reaching frontiers before others never justifies punitive means to influence them to join me.

From now on,
I choose to believe that the failure of our needs to be fulfilled results from insufficient dialogue and creativity rather than scarcity.


Visit our Facebook page:

Nonviolent Communication, Mindfullness, Empathy and Presence








Call for Volunteers

The health of the Network depends on the joyful efforts of all who yearn to bring nonviolent consciousness to our region.
To learn more, email our volunteer coordinator.


Paid Announcements

Clarity Services, LLC
Now Accepting Clients

Helping groups of people think together collaboratively and effectively
Free 30 minute initial consultation:
1-877-833-1372 / email


Open Communication

welcomes individuals and couples, who want NVC-based support, to meet with them at their new office in Belfast, ME
Please contact Peggy:
207-789-5299 / email


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