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Many of the answers can be found in the feature article
1. Our opinions and feelings are _____________, just not mixed into the observation.
4. When I speak in ways that contribute to connection, NVC calls that life-_______ language.
7. To assess if something is an observation ask yourself if a ______ devise (with sound) could capture it.
9. Observations are not ________ or negative, they are just the facts.
10. When we use terms such as: "I am lazy." or "She is artistic." or "He's such a great cook!" we are using _____ language. These statements express our evaluations and imply that the person is always one way or another, when actually we are changing in every moment.
11. Evaluations tend to contribute to de_________
12. We may have the habit of assuming someone's _______ behind an action instead of just reporting the action.
13. Practicing differentiating between our observations and our interpretations will increase our ability to see new ______ in any situation.
15. "It is cold." Is an example of stating an ______ as if it was a fact.
2. In NVC we call evaluations and blaming examples of life-_______ language.
3. While our ev_________ have important information about ourselves, it is important to sort them out from our observations.
5. In order to communicate effectively, the first skill is to sort out the difference between the facts and your personal opinion about the facts. Making _________ instead of evaluations is essential in clear communication.
6. When we say, "Mary is always late." We are most likely espressing an _________.
8. The purpose of the observation is to begin a conversation making it clear what I want to talk about, and at the same time helping the other person's protective ______ stay down.
14. When we use static language is makes it challenging for us to see people and situations in a ____ way from moment to moment.
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